The Unshakable Leader

Navigate leadership challenges with resilience and purpose in 4 weeks.

Unveiling Your Leadership Potential

The Unshakable Leader is a 4-week program designed to support highly sensitive and ambitious leaders like you in gaining deeper insights into themselves and building the confidence needed to lead effectively.

Throughout this program, we’ll collaborate closely to explore your unique strengths and challenges as a leader.

Together, we’ll identify areas for growth and equip you with practical strategies to overcome obstacles and enhance your leadership resilience.

In The Unshakable Leader, my focus is on providing you with tangible tools and techniques that you can apply directly to your leadership practice.

Through personalized guidance and support, I’ll help you develop a deeper understanding of your leadership style and how it influences your responses to various situations.

By honing in on your strengths and addressing areas for improvement, you’ll emerge with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose in your leadership role.

Wendy Cary, Wellbeing Coach to Leaders Coaching revealed my blind spots and helped me focus on what really matters to me
Wendy Cary Coaching

Empowering Your Journey

My approach is grounded in real-world application, ensuring that every concept we explore is relevant and actionable.

From defining clear goals aligned with your vision for leadership excellence to implementing strategies for navigating challenges with grace, my aim is to empower you to become an unshakable leader in any circumstance.

By investing in The Unshakable Leader, you’re investing in yourself and your future as a leader.

Together, we’ll unlock your full potential and empower you to lead with confidence, clarity, and resilience. Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey?

The Unshakable Leader is for you if…

You’re excelling in your career, achieving milestones, and climbing the corporate ladder. But underneath the surface, there’s a sense of turmoil.

Decision-making becomes daunting amidst stress and pressure.

Balancing responsibilities becomes overwhelming as your role evolves.

The relentless pace and constant emergencies leave you drained.

Reactivity sets in, amplifying negativity after setbacks or mistakes.

If this resonates with you, you’re not alone. Many professionals like us—intelligent, ambitious, and sensitive—navigate similar challenges.

This 1:1 Executive Coaching program includes…

Personalized Executive Coaching

Over four weeks, you’ll closely partner with Wendy, in four sessions crafted specifically for your needs and aspirations. 

Wendy brings a unique blend of high sensitivity, ambitious drive, and decades of corporate leadership experience to her coaching approach.

Ongoing Support and Guidance

Between sessions, you’ll enjoy direct email and messaging access to Wendy for real-time support.

Whether you have questions, face challenges, or seek advice, Wendy is there to provide guidance and encouragement.

COR.E Dynamics Foundations

iPEC’s COR.E Performance Dynamics offers a holistic framework to maximize your performance and instill lasting behavioral changes.

It serves as a roadmap for mastering leadership energy and life balance.

Exclusive STRIVE Diagnostic

Utilizing Melody Wilding’s proprietary STRIVE Diagnostic, you’ll uncover how your distinct STRIVE qualities as a highly sensitive, high-achieving individual impact your journey.

This assessment identifies your strengths and areas for growth.

Proven Results: Wendy’s clients have experienced remarkable transformations, including a 77% improvement in emotional regulation at work, a 56% increase in feeling grounded during high-stakes situations, and more.

What makes this program different from the rest?

Wendy Cary’s Seasoned Coaching and Leadership Acumen

With over three decades of experience in mid-to-senior level leadership roles, Wendy brings a wealth of practical wisdom to her coaching practice.

Wendy intimately understands the intricate challenges faced by sensitive yet ambitious leaders within the dynamic corporate landscape.

Holding coaching certifications from both the ICF and iPEC, alongside specialized certifications in iPEC’s masters program, COR.E Dynamics, Wendy’s commitment to ongoing education underscores her unwavering dedication to delivering excellence in coaching.

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Exclusive Integration of Melody Wilding's Methodologies

Wendy boasts the distinct honor of being the sole coach trained in Melody Wilding‘s methodologies.

Through a close collaboration spanning almost two years, Wendy has mastered and seamlessly incorporates all of Melody’s tools and techniques into her coaching repertoire.

This ensures that you receive an executive coaching experience grounded in the latest research and best practices, tailored specifically for ambitious leaders who also identify as highly sensitive.

Holistic Approach to Personal and Professional Growth

Wendy’s coaching philosophy transcends traditional boundaries, emphasizing the interconnectedness of personal and professional development.

By integrating mindfulness practices, emotional intelligence strategies, and resilience-building techniques, Wendy provides a comprehensive framework for holistic growth.

This holistic approach ensures that you not only excel in your professional endeavors but also cultivate a fulfilling and balanced life aligned with your values and aspirations.